Phantasy Star Online logo

Image via Wikipedia

Phantasy Star Online was my first attempt at any online type of gaming.  I hadn`t even seen an online game before that much less tried one, so the experience was completely new.  After spending an hour messing with the create a character feature, to make a purple haired human ranger I was finally ready to start into the world of the unknown.

The first thing I notice when I begin is that your character has a speech bubble above their head filled with whatever fancy stuff you might type.  That`s when I see it, instead of people typing normal things, people are making all kinds of weird pictures with letters.  Things like sumo wrestlers or faces, or even 2 stick people doing things that would make you spit your soda out laughing over.  They were mainly there as a kind of way to communicate to your friends or teammates during the game, they even had a few features that made you able to quickly link a word or phrase to a button.  Things like saying “Thanks” or “Let`s go” but not having to spent time typing out things.  These bubble chat things seemed fun, and I took note of them for playing.

I really loved this game.  It was pretty simple, 4 stages and 3 classes to choose from, but seriously fun.  You could play by yourself or with your friends offline or online.  A few of my friends played this game with me, but one in particular I really had fun with.  Sure we had fun killing enemies and making new online friends but that wasn`t why I enjoyed playing with him.  The reason I enjoyed playing together was the speech bubbles!    When my friend would get up to go to the bathroom or smoke or go get something from the fridge, I would take that time to change all of his bubble chat speed things to say weird stuff “I`m a noob” or some other things that were either really stupid or embarrassing OR BOTH!  The first time I did it, I am almost certain he spit in my soda later on so I know he must wanted to kill me. We still play every now and again but now he refuses to leave the room without takin his controller with him. I don`t even want to get starting talking about how much fun I had killing him on the last boss.

The game does have a fun special weapons and things are and rare items, which I gave him.  I can`t be a pain in the butt all the time.  The special weapons were actually what really made me play so much.  There making a new Phantasy Star game now and it looks to be similar to the first one, so I am really excited.